
We strive to advance protections for wildlife, companion animals, and farmed animals in Vermont.

Coyote mother touches nose with her pup-shutterstock
What We Do​

We strive to advance protections for wildlife, companion animals, and farmed animals in Vermont. We also work to educate and empower the public to address significant animal welfare issues in the state. To that end, we:

  • Inspire and educate the public about significant corporate impacts on animal welfare.

  • Attend key public meetings.

  • Participate in educational tabling events.

  • Attend and provide essential public comments to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Fish & Wildlife Board on proposed regulations.

  • Educate the public and policymakers about pressing animal issues in the state.

  • Connect animal advocates in the state and foster relationships between stakeholders.

Our State Director

Will Marlier

Will Marlier grew up in the forests of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, fascinated by the area’s wildlife. He moved to Philadelphia where he earned his undergraduate degree from Temple University and completed an animal-care Internship at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Will returned to Vermont in 2020. Since then, he has served as the clerk of the Greensboro Conservation Commission as well as an advisor to the Greensboro Land Trust. He served in the State House throughout the 2024 session as the assistant to the House Committee on Environment & Energy.

He currently lives in the woods of Greensboro, Vt. He enjoys spending his free time walking the land with his shepherd-mix rescue, Watson; lounging in the sun with his tortoise shell cat, November; and maintaining small gardens with his fiancée, Dahria.

Want to learn more or get involved with Animal Wellness Action in Vermont? Email Will at:

Ways to Take Action Now

  • Consider meeting with your state legislator(s) and let them know that animal issues are a high priority for you as their constituent. If you’re unfamiliar with who your legislators are, you can find them here by name or by the town they represent. Bob would be happy to join you at the meeting or help answer any questions you may have.

  • Follow Animal Wellness Action Vermont’s Facebook page to stay up to date on important meetings, public events, and other animal news in Vermont.

  • Bring these issues to the attention of your neighbors by posting educational information on Front Porch Forum, raising the issue of animal protection at your next Selectboard meeting, or talking to your friends about trapping at the Farmer’s Market. Many Vermonters are not aware of what happens to animals in our state, and you have the power to create meaningful change in your community!

  • Please donate to our Vermont-related causes here or to our national campaigns here.

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