Breaking Policy News​

California’s Bird Flu Emergency Requires Close Attention to Rampant Cockfighting and Threat of Ill Fighting Birds Acting as Superspreaders

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U.S. Senate Passes FDA Modernization Act 3.0

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In a Major New Investigation, Animal Wellness Action Uncovers and Documents Rampant Illegal Cockfighting Syndicates in Arkansas

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The only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn anything from history. That was the summary comment of host Joseph Grove in a conversation with Drs. Jim Keen and Tom Pool about the federal government’s lackadaisical response to the emergent bird flu crisis. The possibility — perhaps even the likelihood — that a virulent form will soon emerge that enables fast transmission among people was discussed. If that happens, the experts said, the COVID pandemic in retrospect may look mild by comparison.

Why and How to Support the Snowmobiles Aren’t Weapons Act

New bipartisan legislation was introduced to ban the use of any motorized vehicle — mainly snowmobiles — to kill wolves or coyotes on federal lands. It’s a barbaric and senseless and needs to end. We need your help to criminalize this bizarre behavior!

Trophy hunting is not conservation

“This is not a hunt. All the high-tech gadgetry, the GPS collars with dogs doing all the work while the ‘hunter’ sits in his truck drinking coffee until the cat is treed … you might as well call the dogs off and go home because this is not a hunt.”
— from Harley G. Shaw for Cats Aren’t Trophies campaign

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Our Campaigns

Animal Cruelty Enforcement​

Animal Fighting is the Pits

Banning Greyhound Racing​

Creating a Cage-Free Future

Dunking the Milk Mandate in Schools

Kangaroos Are Not Shoes​

Keeping Wild Horses Wild

End Horse Slaughter

Getting the Lead Out

Modernize Testing

Rethink Mink

Saving Wolves

Snowmobiles Aren’t Weapons

Tourism Without Trophy Hunting

Veterans for Mustangs Act

Palisades Fire Relief Fund

Our sister organization, Animal Wellness Foundation, is housing and feeding the pets that people were forced to leave behind during their evacuation because not all shelters take animals.