Modernize Testing
Animal testing is outmoded because, unlike human biology-based test methods, animals are unreliable predictors of human response, delaying treatments and cures to patients and driving up drug costs. The FDA must adapt its regulations to keep up with the law.

The Issue
Just more than a year ago, Congress passed the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, and President Biden signed the bill into law. It was, without question, the most important policy in the nation’s history addressing animal testing. The bill eliminated an 84-year-old animal-testing mandate for every new drug in development, whether a drug for cancer, pain, Alzheimer’s, or any other affliction of the human body.
This new law promised a reboot of our national policies on drug development, sparing the lives of millions of animals a year, saving drug developers billions because they could now use more reliable and less expensive screening methods, and delivering better lifesaving and life-enhancing treatments and cures for tens of millions of patients in need.
Now, however, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is charged with implementing the law, is failing to revise regulations that still bind drug developers to use primates, beagles, and other animal tests. In holding onto these archaic regulations, the FDA is defying Congress and the will of the people.
The Solution
Now, Congress must compel the FDA to update its regulations so drug-developers can take advantage of modern scientific methods and end the horrors suffered by animals in their lab.
We are supporting the FDA Modernization Act 3.0. The new legislation requires the FDA to publish a final rule to implement the FDA Modernization Act 2.0 and establish clear guidelines for non-animal test methods that can better predict drug safety and efficacy, and speed the time to market for new treatments and cures.
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Circular photo credit:
Beagle: Jo-Anne McArthur / Animal Equality / We Animals Media, Capuchin monkey: Jo-Anne McArthur / NEAVS / We Animals Media