Be a Citizen of Action
10 things you can do to support the creation of humane laws and regulations
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Read The Humane Economy by our founder Wayne Pacelle for a practical roadmap on how you can use the marketplace to promote the welfare of all living creatures.
Take action on our Contact Congress And don’t forget to sign our petitions here.
You can easily make your voice heard by letting your local, state and national lawmakers know you want them to introduce new animal welfare bills and vote for existing ones.
How to Communicate with Legislators
In this video, Natalie Ahwesh, director of state affairs for Animal Wellness Action, and Scott Beckstead, the group's director of campaigns, reveal the secrets to getting through to elected officials and making the case for animal welfare laws and regulations.
Vote in your local, state and national elections for candidates who support animal welfare policies and programs.
Be sure you’re registered to vote by checking here. Or you can register to vote here.
Seek opportunities to campaign and support legislators, law enforcement personnel, judges, and other candidates for public office who support animal welfare policies. Volunteering at their campaign offices, door-knocking, and phone banking are easy and productive ways to help.
Spread the news about legislation and legislative leaders. Write letters to the editor, post information on social media about key legislative items. Remember to thank lawmakers who carry animal protection legislation and help lead on our issues.
Speak out with any information you have about the inhumane treatment of captive, farmed or companion animals, wildlife trafficking or environmental crimes by calling The Environment and Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice at 202-514-2701.
And send tips about the cruel spectacle of illegal animal fighting here:
[email protected]
Here are some cookbooks that will help you get started: