Let's end animal fighting

The FIGHT Act would strengthen the federal law against dogfighters and cockfighting, allowing for citizen suits against the perpetrators, banning online gambling on animal fights, and forbidding the use of the U.S. mail to ship adult roosters.

Oppose a reckless plan to kill 500,000 Barred Owls

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s scheme to spend a quarter billion dollars over the next three decades to kill half a million barred owls in the Pacific Northwest is cruel, unworkable, and expensive.

Support the Cruelty to Octopuses (OCTO) Act

which aims to ban octopus farming in California and protect these remarkable creatures from unnecessary suffering and ensure the well-being of our marine ecosystems.

Stop the slaughter of kangaroos​

For the first time in a generation, the Kangaroo Protection Act was introduced in Congress to address the mass slaughter of kangaroos for athletic shoes and other garments.

No place for poison in wildlife management​​​

End the needless incidental lead poisoning of millions of wild animals by toxic ammunition with the Lead Act.​

Oppose China's EATS (CHEATS) Act

that would undo democratically enacted, constitutionally sound state animal-welfare laws.

End the use of extreme confinement crates​

Ban the use of gestation crates which severely restrict the movement of breeding pigs with the PIGS Act.​

End the torment of animals

The FDA Modernization Act 3.0 will stop the FDA from causing the needless and excessive torment of beagles, primates and other animals in new drug approvals.

End the "Dairy Milk Mandate" in the National School Lunch Program

The ADD SOY Act would give millions of lactose-intolerant kids a soy milk option while also saving millions of cows from the stress of milk production.

Save our wolves

by telling Congress to keep protections in place for wolves.

End Horse Slaughter

Support a ban on the transportation of horses for slaughter with the SAFE Act.​

Stop bear poaching​

End the poaching of bears for their gallbladders and other body parts for use in Chinese medicine with the Bear Protection Act.

Save the greyhounds​

Let's put an end to thousands of injuries and deaths at racetracks with the Greyhound Protection Act.​

End Mink Farming

Factory farming of mink props up a cruel, dying industry that poses a serious COVID-19 threat. Tell your legislators to pass the MINKS Are Superspreaders Act.

Help save farm animals

by opposing the EATS Act, which would undo democratically enacted, constitutionally sound state animal-welfare laws.

Help our veterans help wild Mustangs

The Veterans for Mustangs Act is good for wild horses and it's good for our former armed services members, who will benefit from the opportunity to bring more good into the world.

Crackdown on animal abuse​

Animal cruelty is the first step taken by many eventual mass-murderers. Prosecuting perpetrators early will protect animals AND people. Support the Animal Cruelty Enforcement (ACE) Act to create an animal cruelty crimes section at DOJ.