Tell the Centers for Disease Control to end the insanity for flying Americans' rescue dogs to the U.S.

Tell Jackie Joyner-Kersee to use her star power and Adidas board seat to convince them to stop killing kangaroos to make soccer shoes.

Help us shut down the fighting pits for birds and dogs and end animal fighting globally.

Tell Adidas to stop profiting from the largest slaughter of land-based wildlife.

Tell the Sublette County, WY Attorney to charge this animal torturer with a federal crime.

Tell Georgia to criminalize live pigeon shoots.

Tell FDA to set a "Moonshot" goal of ending animal testing for drug development by 2030.

Tell USDA to shutter all U.S. mink farms to protect our communities.

Tell Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling shoes sourced from killed kangaroos.

Tell Troy Link at Jack Link's Protein Snack to stop the carnage of target shooting contests of live birds.