Guam Passes Landmark Anti-Cruelty Law, but Politicians There and in Puerto Rico Play Fast and Loose with Cockfighting Prohibition January 27, 2021
U.S. Appellate Court Affirms Ban on Animal Fighting in Puerto Rico and Throughout the U.S. January 15, 2021
Perpetrators of Political Violence Damage Civil Society, Including the Advance of Animal Welfare January 12, 2021
Massive Spending Bill Contains Language to Step Up Federal Enforcement of our National Anti-Cruelty Laws December 22, 2020
Humane Society of the U.S. Sows Confusion and Scuttles Federal Legislation to Impose Felony Level Penalties for Horse Soring December 19, 2020
Grassroots Fighter Against Soring Says Horses Cannot Afford Delays in Congressional Action to End Barbaric Practice November 23, 2020