Trone has amassed a near-perfect record on animal welfare during his service in the U.S. House
Bethesda, MD — Today Animal Wellness Action announced its endorsement of U.S. Rep. David Trone in his bid for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in Maryland. Sen. Ben Cardin is not running for the seat he’s held since 2007.
Nobody has been more focused and supportive of animal welfare issues than Rep. Trone since he started his service in Congress in 2019. In this 118th Congress, Trone has cosponsored key measures to combat dogfighting and cockfighting (the FIGHT Act, H.R. 2742), to halt the live export of horses for slaughter (the SAFE Act, H.R. 3475), to stop trainers from injuring the front feet of Tennessee Walking horses for horse show performances (the PAST Act, H.R. 3090), and to give kids in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) a choice of a plant-based milk nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk. Millions of kids cannot safely digest milk because they are lactose intolerant, with three quarters of African Americans and 90 percent of Asian Americans having an adverse digestive reaction to cow’s milk. The ADD SOY Act, H.R. 1619, gives kids a nutritional beverage option through the NSLP so they can meet their daily dietary minimum nutritional needs and not get sick in the classroom.

Rep. Trone has also signed a letter opposing the Exposing Agriculture Trade Suppression (EATS) Act, which would wipe out key farm animal laws in the states. He’s been joined by more than 200 lawmakers from both parties in opposing efforts to undo California’s landmark Prop 12 and other state laws to provide animals with space to stand up, lie down, and turn around.
In prior years, he played a role in passing and enacting the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, the Big Cat Public Safety Act, the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, the Horseracing Safety and Integrity Act, and the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, among other major animal welfare measures signed into law. He also cosponsored other important measures, such as the Animal Cruelty Enforcement Act to enhance enforcement of our federal anti-cruelty laws.
“David Trone has a prominent voice on many issues, but he’s second to no lawmaker in his active and consistent support for animal welfare,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and a resident of Maryland. “Congressman Trone understands that cruelty to animals is often bound up with other forms of social violence, and it’s a priority to strengthen the legal framework against animal cruelty.”
“Animal Wellness Action is pleased to offer its enthusiastic endorsement of David Trone,” added Don Green, a Prince Georges County resident and the political director of Maryland. “We urge Democrats in May to vote for him in the U.S. Senate primary.” Registered voters can cast ballots early between May 2-9 and on election day May 14th in the U.S. Senate primary. For further election locations and information, please see:
Animal Wellness Action led efforts to pass five measures into law in the 117th Congress. The organization has advanced 10 major policy initiatives in the 118th Congress.