Animal Wellness Action urges Sublette County Attorney and Sheriff to bring felony-level animal cruelty charges against perpetrator.
Pinedale, WY — Animal welfare groups expressed revulsion and outrage in the wake of news concerning a Wyoming man who ran over a wolf with his snowmobile, taped its mouth shut, tormented it, and paraded the injured animal around a local bar before finally taking it outback to kill it, according to news sources. The incident occurred on February 29th.
Two groups, Animal Wellness Action and the Center for a Humane Economy, sent a letter this morning to Sublette County Attorney Clayton Melinkovich and Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr, urging them to prosecute Cody Roberts of Daniel, Wyo., and seek felony-level penalties under the statute.

Currently, Roberts, owner of C. Roberts Trucking, LLC, has faced only a $250 fine for possession of live wildlife. He has paid the fine, and his case is currently considered closed.
The letter, signed by Scott Edwards, general counsel for Animal Wellness Action and the Center, reads in part:
Roberts’ actions clearly warrant a punishment more severe than the $250 ticket he received for possession of live wildlife — such an anemic response on the part of law enforcement will be seen by some as tacit approval of his crime and can only motivate other like-minded individuals driven by hatred of wolves to engage in similar, repugnant behavior.
The letter cites Wyoming’s anti-animal cruelty law to encourage a more meaningful prosecution of Roberts, stating “Article 10, section 6-3-1005(a)(ii) makes it a felony to ‘knowingly, and with intent to cause death or undue suffering, beats with cruelty, tortures, torments or mutilates an animal.’”
The letter continues:
While the term “torment” is not defined in the statute, dragging a wild animal into a bar with its mouth taped shut and subjecting it to the severe distress and anguish it must have suffered before being brought outside to be killed is a textbook example of torment.
Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and who worked to make animal cruelty a felony in dozens of states and to make animal cruelty a federal felony, says that Cody should not escape prosecution under statutes designed specifically to address this sort of malicious crimes.
“The man who committed this atrocious act of animal cruelty cannot go without punishment under state or federal law, or both,” Pacelle said. “Running over and crushing an animal with a snowmobile, binding the battered and wounded animal’s mouth shut, and deciding to further torment the creature in front of an audience rather than putting him out of his misery is the textbook definition of malicious cruelty. A remorseless, cruel monster like this is a threat to other animals, and a threat to people. The law must speak.”
Violations of § 6-3-1005 are a felony offense subject to up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000, punishments Roberts fully deserves given the sheer depravity and wanton disregard for common decency displayed by his actions.
The complete letter may be viewed via this link.
In addition to submitting the letter, the two groups are creating an online petition to compel the county officials to consider the felony charge of animal cruelty against Mr. Roberts.
You can take action here by telling the Sublette County, WY Attorney to charge Roberts with a federal crime.
Wayne Pacelle and Scott Edwards are available for interview. Please contact Joseph Grove, senior director of communications for the Center for a Humane Economy, at 502-472-6225, or at [email protected] to arrange a time.